Key Note Speaker

Prof. Angelo AzziFaculty Member School of Graduate Biomedical Pharmacology and Drug Development Programme
Strategic Initiatives Advisor
Office of the Vice Provost for Research
Voluntary Professor
The University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Professor Emeritus
Universität Bern, Switzerland
Symposium 1: Natural products as anti-cancer agents

Prof. Iqbal ChoudreyICCBS, University of Karachi, Pakistan

Dr. Imalka MunaweeraSenior Lecturer Department of Chemistry, University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Prof. Preethi UdagamaCadre Chair & Senior Professor Department of Zoology and Environment Sciences University of Colombo Sri Lanka
Symposium 2: Microbiota for Sustainable Living

Dr. Thilini VidanelagePostdoctoral Research Fellow in the Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, Australia

Dr. Aparna BanerjeeAssistant Professor CIEAM, Universidad Catolica del Maule, Chile